Creates an environment where needs and interests can be heard and met.
Encourages spouses to communicate to reduce conflict during the separation/divorce process and in the future.
You are each supported and represented by your chosen team of lawyers. Your team may also include relationship coaches, financial specialists and child specialists. You work cooperatively with your spouse and his/her lawyer and collaborative team members to resolve your issues.
No Court
Everyone can focus on settlement without the threat of adversarial and costly court proceedings.
As a vital part of the settlement team, you control the proceedings and your destiny is in your hands rather than in the hands of a third party (court).
Reduce Expense & Achieve Agreement Faster
The process is often less costly and faster than going to court.
The goal is to manage any conflict so that it does not escalate and fuel unreasonable positions. Containing the conflict encourages co-operation so people are more likely to provide relevant information on a timely basis and to consider reasonable settlement options.
This can reduce legal fees that come with having to force out information and do the paperwork and court attendances involved with the adversarial approach.
The collaborative process is usually faster than litigation because meetings are set based on the parties’ and their lawyers’ schedules and are not subject to delays for court time.
The collaborative process is generally less costly on an emotional basis – an effort is made to deal with emotions in a healthy, so the parties and their families may better cope in the future.
Enables spouses to reach agreements tailored to their family’s specific needs, often more creative than what a court could order.
Win-Win Climate
Provides a process to offer emotional support, legal and financial guidance.
The process relies on principled negotiation techniques, focusing on interests rather than positions. This helps participants to create a climate for “win-win” settlements.
Keeps parents focused on the best interests of their children.
Allows spouses to get through a family breakup with privacy, respect and dignity.