Judy Haid M. Couns. Psych

    Judy Haid
    Haidsmith Counselling
    1100 Corydon Avenue
    Phone: 204-453-2877
    Email: haidsmith@gmail.com

    Judy Haid has spent more than 35 years in private practice as a counselor. One of Manitoba’s best known and most respected counseling professionals Judy worked at the University of Winnipeg under what was then called the Interfaith Pastoral Institute (now Aurora), for Child & Family Services Manitoba, as the school psychologist for Ramah Hebrew School, and for the Manitoba Department of Education as a counselor to teachers at Norberry School in St. Vital.

    She entered private practice in the mid 80’s in order to pursue and expand her professional interests, and work with more innovative therapies, such as Body Psychotherapy and others.

    Judy has been a member of Collaborative Practice Manitoba for more than 12 years, and has sat as a Member of the Board of Director’s for the past 2 terms. She also presently Co-chairs the Education and Training Committee, holding training sessions for new and evolving members.

    Judy is known for having piloted and championed the Assertiveness Training movement in Manitoba. She has conducted workshops in Stress Management and Conflict Resolution for many professional associations and institutions across the province, including the Manitoba Dental Association, Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses, MONA, and others, as well as for the Canadian Government (Department of Public Works), various Manitoba Government departments, the Grace Hospital, Victoria General Hospital, along with a wide range of corporate businesses across the province.

    Judy has also taught and trained in counseling certificate programs, in both mainstream and aboriginal studies programs for the University of Manitoba, for the University of Winnipeg’s Continuing Education Program, and for the public at large.

    Alongside her partner Michael Smith, she has held Inner Child and healing workshops within aboriginal communities throughout Manitoba and NW Ontario.

    Judy holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Manitoba, is registered by the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and holds an International certification in BioEngergetics Analysis from the IIBA.

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